Holiday Bulletins: Cushkin Corners, Oklahoma...

Holiday Bulletins From Around The World!!!...... Cushkin Corners, Oklahoma. The locally famous Smedley family (Mr. Hector & Mrs. Gerardine) had been widely known from the day they first gave birth to their quadruplets back on April 5th, Easter Sunday in 1931. The Great Depression had wiped out both personal fortunes and any optimism from the populace for hundreds of miles, and yet, the near miracle of these four tiny babies being born in a dust bowl cabin and surviving had created a joyous surge of neighborliness and sharing. Country fairs, square dances, barn raisings, quilting bees, 4H festivals, and even "ice cream sociables" were instigated around their annual birthdays from the very first!

….The newspapers reported their first steps, their first words, and even as they got older, the public watched eagerly as they got their driver's licenses, went to their proms, and graduated from their Technical Schools, Beauty Colleges, and Animals Husbandry Academies.... it was only in their 20s that the interest in them began to wane. And that was when the facade began to crack.... jilted at the altar, or failed marriages, DWIs, bad fashion choices, shoplifting arrests, and forlorn Ponzi schemes involving cheap mascaras in local notions shops, all of these took their toll...and it showed. The long spiral downward was inexorable. Here they are at 23 years of age, clockwise from lower left.....Myrtle Mae, Clarenda, Needra, and Francie. (Francie's the one with the carotene disorder...and ears..).

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