Sybil Bruncheon's "Christmas Kitties Chaos in the Crèche!"... #7:

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Manxy had just seen GODZILLA on the Saturday night monster movie show on TV. His humans always got such a kick out of how he would watch the screen so intently, his tail twitching this way and that, and then thumping the table so hard when the movie would get exciting... and even scary. Manxy especially liked it when people would scream and run in monster movies and he told his friends around the neighborhood about it. They all agreed; humans being scared of monsters was infinitely entertaining. They all would laugh when cars or trains would crash off cliffs, and they all compared notes on what they had knocked off counters, dressing tables, and mantlepieces during the week. One night, Manxy saw a movie about Jack the Ripper... or was it about a lady with an ax?... whatever. But it gave him ideas. He couldn't wait to tell the gang!

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