Sybil Bruncheon's "Christmas Kitties Chaos in the Crèche!"... #8:

Christmas Cat #8.jpg

Meyer Sulkerston was no different than any other house cat in Fibber Falls, Iowa. During most of the year, Meyer and his pals around the neighborhood were fussed over by their individual human staffs... and the performances of their requisite duties were compared and either praised or panned by the feline members of the exclusive la Boîte RonRonner! Cigars of fine catnip, expensive vintage brandies, imported sardines, and filthy jokes about pussy were the order of the day and night at their soirées. But at Holiday time, all of the cats gave their human servants a rest for the few weeks before and during something called Christmas. Instead of having to sit quietly and attentively and admire the cat-of-the-house for hours on end, the humans were permitted to set up small dioramas of worshipful human statues in various exotic but ultimately unimportant tableaux. Their odd costumes, poses, and even their props and the figures of other species were completely secondary to the devoted expressions on their faces! Of course, there was still the problem of the statues neither petting nor feeding their employers, but this certainly was a start; they didn't get restless, wander about making stupid conversation, or step on one's paws. And, after all, the real humans would begin their full-time duties again and with added vigor some time in the first week or so of January when the statue-humans were wrapped up in old newspapers and thrown into a cardboard box in the attic which also made a nice kitty-bed when one chose...

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