... from Sybil Bruncheon's "EASTER EGGS-traordinaries”… Celebrations on other worlds...

On the Planet Jrzzelkin 22*^pLotky, the inhabitants decided to collect examples of life from other worlds, especially during the alien species' festival-times and celebrations. Sadly, the Jrzzelkins sometimes confused one holiday with another... for instance, after they seized little Jeffy Crawford from the backyard of his home in Perrysburg, Ohio, the Jrzzelkins couldn't decide if they were supposed to use him as a piñata... or stuff him with herbs and bread crumbs...

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Sybil Bruncheon's "History On This Day... On OTHER WORLDS!"... January 26, ^23<>Rf6…

…on the Planet Camberterry in the Covalian System…

President Gambardten Hihhn had major turn-over among members of his cabinet and committees in the first two years of his first term. And it made him sad. After all, they were all his close friends at one time or another. So he decided to keep them with him... always. Right there in his throne room… and on the payroll too! And that's what happened on this day on other worlds...

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Christmases On Other Worlds... #31...

On the planet KerJijji in the Gonfalon Star System, Mr. Kellen Bzzb#*du and his lovely gamete-partner Debbie raised a well-behaved ambulatory-fetus. Eventually they named it Piff, the evocative name of a fragrant flower that grows on the hillsides of the Hariboo Moors where the Box-Oxen roam.

Kellen began portraying Santa at Christmastime when he was only eight, partly because of his thick, bushy boy-beard, but also because his head-horns had grown so generously at such a young age... sadly, he had gored his mother to death while breastfeeding in the deliver room of their local birthing-barn.

Unlike Earth-versions of Santa, the KerJijji Santa does not "Ho Ho Ho" but rather sort of moos and belches... kind of like a cow with acid reflux. Younglings on KerJijji allow Santa to sit on them, and then, as he moo-belches, they sing Holiday carols involving sky-sledding, puddings made of skittle-beetles, and using Grandma as a piñata until candy or poops come out. On Christmas morning no one is given gifts as the beings on KerJijji are unable to open them... they have five fingers… but no thumbs.

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Fashion & Festivities in Faraway Places!"...

Anna Wintour Aliens (1065A).jpg

"Foolish and self-centered Earthlings! Why do you think life-forms from other planets have no sense of style, fashion, or even humor? We can be very festive and quite frivolous, especially on holidays... when we dine on delicacies that we collect... mostly orange things. But oh, how they struggle so... and scream. Give us your orange things, and we shall leave in peace. Now go! GO!"...

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Sybil Bruncheon's History On This Day... “On OTHER WORLDS!"... January 25, 2713JqZ...

Praying mantis Ingres.jpg

…on the Planet Gwurn in the Bavaic System:

Queen Patrice-Marie II flew into a fit of rage at the sight of a new court portrait done of her by the artist Jexubub Hoont. "My eyes still look crossed!… and my gown is wrinkled!", she shrieked before she ate two of her ladies-in-waiting and most of Hoont's brushes and the easel. And that's what happened on this day on other worlds...

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Sybil Bruncheon’s “Christmases In Other Places!”…

Christmas ALIENS (1172).jpg

..."HO! HO!! HO!!!!.....Hello, fellow citizens of Zrrg^*ljjqutt#<jej^sh! In my intergalactic travels at Holiday time, I have found a little planet inhabited by delicious snack treats. Let us enter our space ships and descend on the unsuspecting people there! Come my friends! I will disguise myself in this silly red and white costume to lure them forward into our traps... And then… Let us EAT!! EAT!!! KILL AND EAT THEM!!! ..... oh, and don't forget to bring extra eggnog!"....

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Sybil Bruncheon’s THANKSGIVINGS!!… ON OTHER WORLDS!!!... care for a bite?

...Hello, Friends! Did you know that on other planets many different civilizations, and even LIFE FORMS have ways of expressing the universal need to say "I Thank You!"??? Yes, you are not alone in sharing the eternal emotion of "gratitude".

...Here, in this interdimensional image chip (known as a "polaroid instamatic" to your kind!), we see a celebration on the planet Zzjr#deetyl*%5... a female Zzjrian is sampling a mandible-ette portion of dzatso-monkey in yellow sauce. Her nice escort is offering it to her with one of his hand-feet. In their world, the feeding of one another is considered the final step before gamete-sharing, but since they are at a cocktail festivity, he wears a special Chastity Helmet to prevent any further intimacy in front of company...or spawn that may be running about. Notice her high sense of fashion. As opposed to doing anything as savage as eating a turkey, on the planet Zzjr#deetyl*%5, a really stylish woman carries an animal as a purse, and inserts a lipstick, a wallet, and various things into its behind-region after thoroughly sedating it. Interestingly, if she cannot afford a purse, she does the same thing to her male-spouse... with or without sedation. Learning about Thanksgivings on other worlds is fun, isn't it? 

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