For Mother's Day... From My Merry Memoirs:


That's me with my own family. From the left, my eldest daughter, Clinique (in her school uniform from the La Petite Académie Pour Les Ingénieuses... (My other two daughters, L'Oreal and Jean Naté, hadn't been born yet.), myself with the binoculars (watching the men in our family playing a hearty round of Cross-Country-Obstacle-Course-Polo-Croquet!), my identical twin sister Dagmar (concealing a sharp object, or perhaps a firearm in her pocket, as usual!), and lastly my own mother (in one of her sane and fairly manageable moments!) also holding a gun, a stick of dynamite, or possibly a flask filled with gasoline ....interestingly, I must admit that a good 94% of my existence is (and always HAS been!) among the more, or as you might say ODD characters in life... starting with my own family... I have posted photos and anecdotes about them, and their misadventures can be found in medical encyclopedias, on post office "Most Wanted" boards, and in Madame Tussaud's "Hall of the Hellacious".

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