Sybil Bruncheon's FASHION FACTUALS:

Funny story... but TRUE! My laundress, a lovely lady originally from royalty in Transylvania (but that's another story ENTIRELY!), was shocked that I had several brassieres in "nude" coloring, and asked me with much blushing and shuffling of feet, why did I not get them in either a modest white or alluring black?? I explained that I didn't have an explanation, and had just bought the nude ones because, "The nice-lady at the lingerie and trousseau counter had offered them to me"...

Dragomira (that was my laundress' name!... I KNOW, but that’s another story entirely too!) shrugged politely but resignedly, and left the room. Two days later, all my nude brassieres had extremely life-like nipples made of felt sewn very carefully onto the bosoms. Of course, I said NOTHING!!! How could I??? Good help is impossible to find!!!

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