Sybil Bruncheon's "Inadvertent Inventions and Their Inventors... Henny Hiebel"...

Jiffy Pop Inventor (200A).jpg

Little known fact… In 1921, Austrian actress Henny Hiebel, after years of failed attempts to break into the big time, and a string of unsuccessful plays, failed silent films, trained dog acts, vaudeville magic shows, hootchy-kootch parlors, and burlesque skits finally gave up and joined the carnival circuit as a gypsy fortune teller with “her magic metaphysical turban”... It was on a hot August night during a break in her shift that she accidentally set fire to her turban while making some popcorn in her tent… her descendants to this day continue to make millions of dollars off her Jiffy-Pop patent… and keep her ashes in an aluminum foil bubble-urn…

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