...from Sybil Bruncheon's "EASTER EGGS-traordinaries"... Coshocton, Ohio.

Easter Legless bunny (624).jpg

Holiday Bulletins From Around The World!!!...... Coshocton, Ohio. A legless Easter Bunny has been discovered "soldiering on" through her disability, making treats for the local children because, as she says, "They depend on me!".... Miss Trudy "Cootles" Lapin of 323 Brokoff Lane has been making hand painted eggs at Easter time for 18 years, and applies her paintbrush talents to other projects for the other 51 weeks as well.... many of the local traffic and street signs bear her great talent with interesting fonts. And she also has designed a line of hand-painted action figures portraying famous people in history and literature, including Long John Silver, Totie Fields, Toulouse Lautrec, and the nice lady that helps a magician! Keep up the good work, Cootles!! The children love you!!! 

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