Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween: The very bad witch!...


Once upon a time, there was a very bad witch! Well... VERY bad!... bad, yes! But interestingly, all she wanted was to be loved! YES! LOVED!!.. (can you imagine?)

Sadly, she did bad things... fairly often. And she didn't seem to be able to control it. As a matter of fact, most of the people who ever met her... most of the people in the entire kingdom thought she was the most rotten person they'd ever met; the most rotten person they had ever learned about in history class, or heard about in fairy tales, or even read about in... um... cookbooks, or nudey magazines, or boy scout guides...

And what made it all worse was that her bad deeds got more and more intensely bad. She said more and more vile things, and DID them too. And made friends with other bad people... and encouraged them to do worse and worse things. And she never had to pay for any of the bad things she said or did... and sometimes she'd even try to help her bad friends to get out of trouble, although not always. Sometimes she got people into trouble and was their friend on a Monday, but by Wednesday, she pretended she didn't even know them.

Anyway, the bad-very-bad witch kept casting her spells over the people of her kingdom, some of whom were too stupid to know what was happening to them, or even seem to care. And life went on like this for a while. There was no handsome prince, no knight on horseback, no seven little dwarves, no good witch, or kindly wizard, no unicorn, or magic slipper, or magic spell, or magic potion!... not even a bucket of water.... NOTHING! Nothing to stop the bad witch once and for all.

The only good thing in all this mess, was that the rottenness, the spite, and malice, the selfishness, and the badness finally, finally began to show. You see, boys and girls, "The eyes are the windows to the soul"... ask your kindly grandma or funny Uncle Buck and his boyfriend what that means. They'll tell you... And because the bad things began to show in the eyes of the bad witch and her friends, they were easy to spot walking down the street, or passing you in the store, or smiling at you in the PTA meeting. And because you could see who they were by what they had become... you could make sure that YOU didn't become one of them. And some people lived happily ever after. The End... (for now...)

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