Sybil Bruncheon's 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN... from MY MERRY MEMOIRS, Chapter 32, page 976: All about Abner…

Did I ever tell you about my sweet little brother, Abner? He was ten years younger than me and my identical and incredibly dangerous twin sister Dagmar, and when he was born, I was thoroughly taken with him; devoted and entranced by his smiles, his laughter, his waving of arms and legs whenever he heard music, oh, everything! I helped feed him, bathe him, change his diapers, all of it... without a moment's hesitation.

Dagmar, on the other hand, arranged our Lionel toy-train tracks so that they would end in his crib, often directly at his head. She also would build her towering skyscrapers of Lincoln logs near his bassinet during bath time... and electrify them shortly before she would arrange one of her "earthquakes"! Once she crashed our toy zeppelin in full flames into his stroller when Nanny Prumble took him to the park. And on another occasion, she dressed herself as an Indian, made him into her "papoose", and then wandered into a nearby woods luring bears and wolves to attack by making chicken-clucking sounds, oinking, and smearing the two of them with gravy...

This photo of Abner was taken at Halloween time, not only to show him in his first costume, but more importantly, to prove to the local authorities and Scotland Yard that my family and the staff were doing everything they could to prevent him from dying in a mysterious Jack-O-Lantern/pick-up truck traffic accident... His pumpkin was not only 48 lbs of mattress stuffing reinforced with chicken-wire but was also bullet, flame, and dynamite proof. His little helmet/pumpkin lid was too. He was even taught to "duck and cover" if Nanny Prumble gave him the signal in the event a clown, a bunny, or Dagmar drifted too close...

(postscript: My father rigged up the pumpkin carriage with a miniature machine gun and flame thrower projecting through the Jack-O-Lantern's mouth. Abner learned how to be quite a good shot!!)...

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