Sybil Bruncheon’s POST-Thanksgiving Update: ...Perrysburg, Ohio.

Margaret always asked if she was still pretty after Thanksgiving. Asking here..asking there! She would strut around in a bikini in front of the grandparents, the children and relatives, the in-laws, even Cousin Fred in his special Wheelchair/Forklift-For-The-Inconveniently-Large, posing in mirrors, doing backbends and calisthenics, smoking a cigarette...with her toes.... you know the type. So after about six or seven Thanksgivings of this, could you blame Fred when he accidentally-on-purpose backed his rig over Margaret during her "I'm Just A Girl Who Cain't Say No!" number as the pecan pie was being brought out from the kitchen? ....Even the grandparents pointed and laughed... and the children helped to dispose of the body in the backyard compost pile.... (ironically, it was Margaret who brought the lovely flowers for the table every year!)

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