Sybil Bruncheon's "I Know I'm Older Than Dirt, But..."

As you get older, do various things just stick in your craw?? They do for me! Here are a couple of mine, and I invite you to post some of your own too...

1) People who insist on clapping during a conversation at the next table to emphasize their agreement or amusement at the idiot-story they're sharing! This is also often accompanied by foot-stomping and table-top banging!!! Also, laughing or rather "BLAT-laughing" as a conversational statement... no one has said anything funny, but they insist on laughing as if to say, "Oh, I so agree!". HA-HAA-HAAAAA!!!!!... as a comma. And then the ultimate, usually perpetrated by a bevy of "Karens" or pubescent girls; deafening shrieking as a greeting in a very public place; the café, the mall, the lobby of a building, a subway car, a funeral!.... AAAAAAEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIAAAAAHHHHHH! So everyone around can experience, "HEYYYYY! LOOK AT ME AND MY GANG OF MORONS! WE'RE SO HAPPY TO BE THE CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE!"....

I know I'm older than dirt, but... ok, post your own...

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