Sybil Bruncheon's TALES & TAILS:... up on the roof...

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Myrtle Meowerson and Yaleen Yowlbeck often conferred with each other at the odd times when their human staff members were busy with their chores, duties, or whatever it was that those giant, clumsy walking-appliances do… preferably elsewhere! The girls heard a commotion coming from down the block on the Rue de La Chatte Derange and knew immediately it was a kerfuffle involving Yaleen's brother-in-law Ivan and some oafish dog he had cornered… or maybe a brat he'd roughed up in an alley for teasing and withholding an ice cream.

Of course, Thérèse, Yaleen's sister and Ivan's long-suffering but enabling wife pretended not to notice all the screeching and crashing, but then Myrtle always said that Thérèse was "as dumb as a spaniel... and nearly as drooly!"...

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