Sybil Bruncheon’s “TALES & TAILS”…


Em-meow-ly Dickinson remained isolated for the majority of her life inside her own home in Meowssachusetts, writing haikus, hosting small tea and rodent-sandwich parties for alley-way friends, and pawing through poetry books. One of her most famous poems was "Are You Nobody? Well, That's Not MY Problem!" She lived, much beloved, to the ripe old age of 23.... which some folks claimed was 160-something. She passed peacefully away while knocking various objects off the kitchen counter and yawning. She was buried in a Buster Brown shoe box with a bouquet of catnip and pussy willows clutched in her little paws and her favorite ball of yarn with an unfinished pair of mousey-slippers..... with little pink noses. All of Purr-tsmouth mourned…

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