Sybil Bruncheon’s “TALES & TAILS”…


Em-meow-ly Dickinson remained isolated for the majority of her life inside her own home in Meowssachusetts, writing haikus, hosting small tea and rodent-sandwich parties for alley-way friends, and pawing through poetry books. One of her most famous poems was "Are You Nobody? Well, That's Not MY Problem!" She lived, much beloved, to the ripe old age of 23.... which some folks claimed was 160-something. She passed peacefully away while knocking various objects off the kitchen counter and yawning. She was buried in a Buster Brown shoe box with a bouquet of catnip and pussy willows clutched in her little paws and her favorite ball of yarn with an unfinished pair of mousey-slippers..... with little pink noses. All of Purr-tsmouth mourned…

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Sybil Bruncheon's "People In Poetry"... page 91. ... "Dear Little Nancy on Voting Day!"...


Dear Little Nancy liked to skip and play.

Did she keep her Promises? No one could say.

Nancy said she’d register to VOTE and do her Duty.

But Mondays she always devoted to her day of Beauty.

Tuesdays are for visiting and chatting over Lunch!

Wednesdays are for Shopping and a large Rum Punch!

And don’t you know that Thursday’s a fine day to rest?

And then it’s time for Friday! Please don’t be a Pest!

Here it is the Weekend, and Friends have come to Town.

Time to have a Picnic and wear a Gingham Gown.

Day by Day and Week by Week, her Duty she’d forgotten.

And Folks began to gossip now, her Reputation rotten.

The months slid by, from Spring to Fall, her Duty ne’er remembered.

And finally it was Voting Day, the first Tuesday in November.

Dear Nancy came to the Polling Place, but was promptly turned away.

The nice Ladies there said, “Your name’s not here! You clearly mayn’t stay!”

But Nancy fussed and stamped her Feet and loudly made a Row!

“I care not what y’ say to me! I’ve come to VOTE right now!”

A nice Policeman passing by did seize her by her hair,

and swung her high around his Head and threw her through the Air.

She came down KOOOSH! upon the ground, some 20 feet or so.

An hour later she awoke, quite cross, and moaning low.

A kindly Lady passing by asked her what was wrong.

And Nancy told her Tale of woe, which really was much too long.

The Lady smiled and helped her up and invited her to tea.

“The polls are closed. You did not VOTE. You come along with me.”

They walked eleven miles or so, and down a Country lane,

And into woods so dark and deep. Then it began to rain.

Dear Nancy said that she was tired and longed to have a Rest.

The kindly Lady pointed to her Cottage on the Crest.

They tumbled in out of the rain to get so warm and cozy.

The House was sweet, and very clean and smelled of Spice and Posy.

“Now let me put a Kettle on, and you play with both my kitties.

Their names are Biff and Lancelot! Come along my little pretties!”

Nancy reached out to pet the Pair, but Biff gave her some Nips.

She pulled her bleeding Hand away, and Lancelot licked his lips.

She tried again to be a Friend and promptly got some Scratches.

The Lady then walked in the room and brought a box of Matches.

“I said before you did not VOTE! You did not pick a winner!

You did not do your Duty dear, and now you’ll be our Dinner!”.

The Lady lunged at Nancy then and gave her quite a Fright!

She grabbed her hem, and lit a match and set her dress alight.

Dear Nancy jumped and yowled so! Imagine her dismay.

It crossed her mind, “It’s Tuesday though! It’s Lunch and Visit day!”.

The flames leaped higher, higher then and burned her to a crisp

With little hissing “essing” sounds, (Nance always had a lisp!)

The Lady stuffed her full of peas, some carrots and a shallot.

Poor Nancy might have saved herself if she’d only cast a ballot.

She ended up inside their tummies, don’t think me too uncouth.

Just think how nice it might have been inside a Voting Booth.

Well that’s our tale of Nancy, dear. And Darlings, Please take note!

When Mummie says she loves you so, GO REGISTER AND VOTE!

(from and

Sybil Bruncheon's 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN... Guess Who Came To The Party! #17...


The class had assembled for Halloween Day, All the students in costumes had come!

Maurice was dressed as a gay caba-yay. And Joe, as an old hobo bum.

Debbie decided she was a great movie star. And Phyllis had come as a witch.

Dean was a ghost or maybe a ghoul, He never could tell which was which.

One was a tiger, another a ham… and… um…

Sadly, no one heard the giant lizard-man-thing that came in through the back... The End.

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN... Guess Who Came To The Party! #24...


Gina dressed as a Burlap Queen, but her itching was really no joke! And "Sleep-Around-Francis" was drunk as a skunk and could be had for the price of a smoke!... and… um…

Mary-Ann Cavullo decided to be Clint Walker on CHEYENNE. The End.

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Sybil Bruncheon's Poems With Purpose for Pre-Schoolers!... "Sweet Little Suzy!"

Sweet Little Suzy (803J).jpg

Sweet Little Suzy wanted just to play
Pretending to do laundry and ironing all day.

Then there were the dishes and changing dolly’s clothes,
Tending to the garden and watering with a hose.

Vacuuming and dusting, then painting baby’s chair. 
Bath time for all seven and combing out their hair. 

No time to sit and chat with friends or have them by for tea. 
Suzy’s just exhausted. “No time”, she cries “For me!”.

Then there come the headaches. An all-day crying jag.
Suzy thinks she’s gaining weight and looking like a hag.

She forgets to feed her dolly, and starves the other six.
She trips upon her dollhouse and gives it several kicks.

And then one night of stress and woe, as all the family sleeps, 
Sleepless Suzy, wild and crazed, into the nursery creeps.

She looks around at ironing board and dolly cloths in stacks.
And crosses to her sleeping babes and kills them with an ax.

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Sybil Bruncheon's Poetical Pets & Proseries!... (with respectful apologies to T.S. Eliot)...

Cat Wall Kitty Cruthers.jpg

Kitty Cruthers liked to scamp and play his funny tricks!
Sometimes he’d give a savage scratch or maybe loving licks!

Hiding high up on a shelf to make a sudden leap!
And in the middle of the night, to wake you from your sleep!

Brushing china off the desk! And banging into glass.
Clawing silken sofa arms, or throwing up some grass.

Then laughing with his gangster pals who live down in the lane.
And yowling at a neighbor’s dog, who thought them quite insane.

Whene’er he peeked from 'neath a chair, no warning would he give.
Then Shriek and Hiss!... and flashing feet. Each claw a deadly shiv!

And now more laughter! Oh, what fun to maul a little boy.
And wreck Aunt Sally’s sandwich plate and chew the baby’s toy.

And snag a cashmere sweater now to pull it all apart.
Then rub and purr, and cuddle you, enough to break your heart!

But best beware that hiding wall where whiskers start to show,
For Kitty waits with eyes so black to have another go!

Oh, Lord above, why did you make a creature so malign?
Your judgment in this mystery we ne’er can quite divine.

(photo by Kathrin Federer)

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Sybil Bruncheon's Poems With Purpose for Pre-Schoolers!... "Edgar Fitzwilly!"


Perpetually naughty and riddled with spite,
Edgar Fitzwilly was bad day and night!
He'd break all the dishes.
Vex everyone's wishes.
But was fine when he was tied out of sight!

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