Sybil Bruncheon's "Christmas Kitties Chaos in the Crèche!"... #1:

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Gingey-Poo was totally enchanted by the funny little house that his human servants had surprised him with on the coffee table! And what a strange, yet amusing place to put it! Gingey always liked to be a part of any design decisions that were made... or rather "suggested" by his staff, and he spent the better part of the afternoon posing with the little figurines of people smiling, waving, mooing, or clutching their stomachs... whatever. Gingey's main concern was how beautifully he matched the overall color scheme of the little house and its people, how symmetrically he and the entire tableaux were presented, and how guests would come and pet him and tell him how pretty he was. There was just that stinking black and white pillow-thing still on the sofa... which he had warned them about before!... oh well... a little cat pee on it, and THAT would be THAT.

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