Sybil Bruncheon's "EASTER EGGS-traordinaries"... Brooklyn Heights, NY.

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Little Brucie Farnsworth had always had a sensitive and artistic nature. On his first birthday he had pointed quite obviously to a living room designed by Angelo Donghia in his mother's Architectural Digest magazine and said his first words, “Dong! DONG!”. On his second birthday, he asked if Mario Buatta had designed his cake when it was wheeled out with bright frosting flowers cascading down the side in a generous spiral. By three, he could identify differences between I. M. Pei, Bauhaus, Phillip Johnson, and Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, and had written fan letters to both Frank Gehry and Richard Meier….in crayon!... which were ANSWERED!

It was during his fourth Easter that little Brucie had his nervous breakdown which hospitalized him til the following June. It wasn't the terrifying Bunny costume that Uncle Fred had put on! It was the hideous brown-ish Gainsborough-esque upholstery on Grandpa's dowdy wing-chair and how it clashed with the lurid colors and cheap printing of the dining room's faux-Monet wallpaper!... and velvet paintings of Venice and the Last Supper! The last thing the entire family heard before he fainted was Brucie's screeching voice, "MY EYES!!!....dear God, MY EYES!!!"... NYC Child Services was immediately called by the ambulance attendants reporting possible child abuse in the household. Brucie’s family was led away in handcuffs in front of the entire neighborhood and pelted with Cadbury chocolate egg creams and stale marshmallow peeps, the really hard, dried out kind….which hurt.

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