Sybil Bruncheon’s "In Memoriam"... Mortimer Snerd... observance of the Oscars, the "In Memoriam" section of the evening is always very moving. Reflecting on those members of the industry who have passed away; and those who may have died young, perhaps even at the height of their fame, I felt it was important to mention some of the lesser "CELEBRITIES WHO LOST THEIR LIVES PREMATURELY!!"...

... Mortimer Snerd (1938-1952): Accidentally sawed in half during one of Edgar Bergen's amateurish 'comedy-magic' routines. The courts found Bergen guilty only of man(nequin)-slaughter and sentenced him to 30 days with time served and 43 hours of public service in a lumber yard first aid station, removing splinters from lumberjacks' hands. Charlie McCarthy was named as an accessory, but was considered a minor and his record was expunged... although later it was discovered when counting his rings, that he was in fact 158 years old... Tragically, Snerd was neither buried nor cremated. It was revealed by the Hollywood press that he had been "pulped" and used as the morning edition of The Beverly Hills Tattler. He became the only celebrity in history to have his obituary printed on his own remains...

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