Sybil Bruncheon's "Olympic Coverage Tonight!"... the Beijing Bump & Grind Bob-Sled Stadium...

Broadcasting LIVE, the Women's Finals in the singles competition! An interesting coincidence in that the four top-ranked competitors all happen to be nuns; France/Sister Marie-Giselle from La Sainte Maison de la Miséricorde et Les Manières de Table Impeccables, Hungary/Sister Magdarra Jargada from A Meditáció és a Jeges víz Szent Kunyhója, Argentina/Sister Maria Conconchita Esmeraldita con Esculita y Mucho Saborita from El Retiro Sagrado de Los Asuntos Mundanos y Los Malos Toques, and finally the USA/Sister Mary Kiki Connover from the Nun Hut in the Sepulvida Bargain Mart (near the Slossen cut-off). Perhaps because of their Holy status, all the other competitors give the Sisters a wide berth and consequently a huge advantage in the contest. Or perhaps their reputations for being ferocious and aggressive drivers of pick-up trucks, fork-lifts, and rider-mowers is the secret... all four have arrest records for felonious motorized vehicle crimes. Stay tuned...

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