Sybil Bruncheon's "Mythology In Our Time"... The Kraken...


Oh, Perseus, handsome and brave, we beseech thee to return once again from the Heavens! To surrender your dazzling constellation of twinkling stars in the first quadrant of the Northern night sky, and take up human form once more, if only for a brief time. Son of Zeus himself, hero of the great myths, rouse yourself from well-deservéd slumber and leave your lovely Andromeda and her mother, the vain and foolish Cassiopeia! Bridle once again your glorious Pegasus and take flight! Bring forth the monstrous and fatal head of Medusa, vile snake-headed Gorgon, whose terrible gaze can turn any and all to stone. Come, bold and clever champion, ride the skies, and destroy the Kraken that has infected and ruined our own time! Thrust Medusa's loathsome visage into the hideous, sneering, and yowling face of our own modern-day monster who we dared to invite against wiser counsel. We thank thee and offer our meagre, mortal gratitude which can never, ever be enough for your aid in our salvation. And when you have plunged the reeking filth that aspires to claim our souls back into the roiling sea or some fiery pit where it belongs, we will honor and bless you on your journey back home to the starry Heavens, to the arms of your beautiful Andromeda, and to the company of the Gods and fantastic beasts that whirl softly round and round in their mysterious sky-dance, as they have since the beginning of time itself... and will ever do so... even to the end.

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