*Sybil Bruncheon's "My Merry Memoirs!"... a stroll down Memory Lane to March 4th, 2020.

LOLOLOLOL! Is it possible?!?... only 4 years ago today, George and I were stranded in the little airport in Springfield, Illinois!... so little that the desk-staff was responsible for checking you in, putting your luggage on the rolling cart to the plane, and loading it in too! And this the state capital!... of Illinois! Interestingly, the most startling thing about this business trip was that George's travel agent had mixed up Springfield, Illinois with Springfield, MISSOURI!!... which is where we were due at 9am the following morning! Thank God we had been lucky enough to go out a day early... and that it wasn't Springfield, Idaho or Maine or Arizona!

Of course, with all the packing, planning, and running every week to different events in various states from one corner of the country to the other, we only realized we were in wrong state as we taxied into town and saw all sorts of "Abraham Lincoln" stuff on signs along the way. George was chatting merrily away with the driver, but I was thinking, "I don't remember Lincoln having that much history with Missouri!... Kentucky maybe, but Missouri??"... I finally interrupted and asked George where were we supposed to be... and... well... back to the airport we went! Unfortunately, the airport basically closed at about 4 in the afternoon! Can you believe it?!.. And again, in a state capital!!

Well, after some intensive research, many, many phone calls, and a ton of feverish negotiations, we found a limo company that would drive us all the way from Springfield, Illinois to Springfield, Missouri... some 300 miles!... by limo! We hit the gorgeous St. Louis arch at dusk with the stars just beginning to come out above it!

I feel like I've lived a century since that evening and the subsequent week in cute little Springfield, Missouri. And it's astounding to me that not only was it ONLY four years ago, but also that the Covid catastrophe was only just beginning to take hold!... what with orange idiots denying it... or suggesting drinking bleach or horse dewormers... whatever.

Four years!... and who would have guessed that on our return to NYC we would suddenly be faced with decisions about leaving along with the stampeding masses and moving to the suburbs of Philadelphia? Ah well... I've always been amazed at how big and surprisingly unexpected life is! I'm so grateful that my life is not "just rushing by"!

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Tour-ette from Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, PA on a lovely Spring Saturday! 3/27/2021 (part 3)

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Tour-ette from Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, PA on a lovely Spring Saturday! 3/27/2021 (part 2)

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Tour-ette from Lambertville, NJ and New Hope, PA on a lovely Spring Saturday! 3/27/2021 (part 1)

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Sybil's "TALES & TAILS!"... Comfort Animals on the Airlines...

Breaking News from the CNN News Desk!... Airlines issue new restrictions on "Comfort Animals"; goats, snakes, insects, ferrets, hawks, and hedgehogs are still forbidden. But there are other animals that still qualify for psychological support, and passengers are urged to consider them as replacements! They are as follows, top row left to right:

1) The rare Tangerine Monkey Lobster (cute as can be, but may pinch when petted too much! Likes peanuts and dancing to organ grinder music. Becomes violent near bisques and pots of boiling water.)                                                                                                                                                 2) The Wisconsin Water-Wombie (thought of as fictional for decades like Sasquatch and the yeti... likes to roam the aircraft aisles raiding other passengers' snack trays, also for peanuts, and for packets of mayonnaise and duck sauce.)

3) The Frisking Beak Beppo (the only beaked canine allowed in the Westminster Kennel Club shows although the females do like to feather their nests with lint and sweater pickings!)

middle row left to right:

4) The Slate Grey Know-It-All (unusually tall for a comfort animal, they must be shorter than 6' and capable of administering CPR, delivering babies, and taking over the controls of the jet in case of emergencies.)

5) The Falkland Land Llama (friendly and willing to give children on the flight rides up and down the aisles. Must have water poured into its nose every ten minutes though.)

6) The Gund Cuddle Cuckoo (a remarkably cuddly creature despite the fact that it vacuums anything closer than 12" put in front of its face. Can be helpful with spilled crumbs on the carpet or seat cushions)

bottom row left to right:

7) The Two-Headed Shnur (a marsupial know for its intelligence and curiosity. Be aware that it will discuss its finds from your purse, pockets, or luggage in two different chirping voices, simultaneously. The airlines however HAVE restricted the Three and Four-headed Shnurs from "comfort" status.)

8) The Smirking Laotian Laobob (another clever little animal and perfect for traveling entertainment, although they are prone to pinching, groping, and reciting suggestive limericks and traveling salesman jokes to the unwary. Please keep them leashed at all times!)

9) The Giant Furless Thumb-Kitty (enjoys saucers of milk and being petted. Prone to chills though, so it should always have a knee-sock to cuddle in. Has a disturbingly loud purr which can be mistaken for the owner having indigestion and lower intestinal distress.)

Remember to register any of these animals with the airlines well ahead of your travel date, and be sure to carry any special foods and...um...sanitary arrangements with you as well. The flight attendants cannot be held responsible for their care... or clean-up!

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SYBIL PREDICTS!!!... #7....

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SYBIL PREDICTS!!!... yes, folks, it's that time again when I make my predictions for the New Year and those mysterious days lying ahead of us...

Prediction #7: In this next year, with growing interest in mass transit and the gradual disappearance of private vehicles, city bus design will become more and more streamlined. Indeed, with greater rider-ship, the buses will be made longer and longer, almost resembling futuristic rocket ships or ocean liners. By 2023, most city buses will be over 800' long, and commuters will simply board at one end, greet the driver, pay their fare, and then walk to the other end of the bus and "exit out the back please". Needless to say, this will save considerably on ANY fuel being used at all; and, with all the long-distance walking, the 21st century obesity and heart-disease issues will become a thing of the past!; a total Win-Win situation!!

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Those Holidays That Went to HELL!"....  Poor Millicent!

Poor Millicent Dresden.jpg

Poor Millicent! Not all that popular in high school, and never having any adventures like other girls her age, she one day was finally asked by a distinguished older baron from Upper Silesia to go for a weekend on his zeppelin! It was all so exciting! And GLAMOUROUS!...Soaring over the continent and dining on quail and caviar with the finest champagnes! But what was she to do when suddenly they started dropping bombs on nearby Heidelberg?...especially right after the dessert cart had been wheeled out... and the baron had offered her a cigar???... and a “cuddle”!

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Interesting Lands Around the World"..... Brr-JeeJee.....

...in the far off kingdom of Brr-JeeJee, the citizens are of the hardiest stock on Earth. They live in a nearly permanent world of Winter from mid-August to late May! They would be champions in international Winter sporting events and the Olympics, but sadly, they often are completely snowed in during those months, and travel in and out of their remote country is impossible. Their glaciers, in fact, are the only ones in the world that remain completely stable and are great tourist destinations during the Midnight Sun Festivals of June and July when the Jet-Set come for suntanning at 3AM.... Although the country is a constitutional monarchy, the Brr-JeeJeeians are extremely fond of their young monarch, Princess Ice-Zolda Freejidara IV. She oversees all sorts of charity and public works, sets a beautiful example in her manners and her breeding, and only wears accessories which have never been collected through cruelty to animals and have only been gathered off the ground ....preferably away from areas of "yellow snow"....

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