Sybil Bruncheon's "THANKSGIVING Headlines From Yesteryear!"...

Thanksgiving Parade (532A).jpg

... Here is an actual photograph of the moment in the Macy's Parade when a gigantic creature broke free from its handlers and began eating the crowd. Despite the privations of the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression, Macy's succumbed to public pressure and replaced living beasts like this one with more reliable balloon facsimiles....although the element of excitement and potential danger was sorely missed by parade-purists... especially children who seemed to like the idea of seeing their fellow classmates torn to pieces by huge monstrous cartoon characters. The use of hydrogen DID create some possibilities for mishaps especially with cigar-smoking pixies and Santa’s elves lurking about in doorways and public restrooms, but within a few years, helium had eliminated that as well, and the parade slumped off to a forlorn ritual of honking brass bands, drunken and vomiting clowns, and prancing muffins... that might try to pinch your bottom…

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