Sybil Bruncheon's "Tales & Tails"... Millie

Millie had started out as most urban kitties do, abandoned very early in life by a neglectful mother either too drunk or too busy with gentlemen-callers (or both!) to raise her litter properly.……Although Jacob Riis photographed her at one of the most dire times of her young life, Millie’s natural beauty shone through, and brought her enormous notoriety in all the gazettes of the day. Society matrons flocked to her neighborhood near the dank and dangerous slum known as Five Points in an attempt to “rescue” her and be seen as the “great philanthropists” that wealthy citizens found to be the most fashionable hobby.

Millie did indeed go on to a very comfortable life, but she nevertheless became an inveterate thief of people's personal property… It started out with small unimportant objects; pieces of string, a paper clip, rubber balls, coins, things left on dressing tables....You know the type! But then she began to raise the stakes… and the consequences. The police couldn't trace her crimes for years because there was no rhyme or reason to them... a rubber band on Monday would be followed by a $2000 earring on Wednesday. What she couldn’t carry off to her hide-aways, she’d simply knock off the edge of tables in an off-hand sort of way, usually when no one was looking, but sometimes right in front of them!

Finally, the authorities tracked her down...she had holed up in a seemingly abandoned paper bag….but her rustling gave her away. As they closed in, she leapt out at them in one final burst of surprise scaring the crap out of all of them. Yowling triumphantly, she escaped and was never really caught again...although there were reports for years that she could be seen lying on other people's desks, pillows, sweaters, bathmats, open romance novels, fashion magazines, dress patterns, gentlemen’s “French Calendars”... you get the idea. She could, on occasion, allow the unwary to scratch behind her ears and compliment her on her lovely whiskers as she did her bathing. Reportedly she was very well loved in spite of, and perhaps because of, her life of narcissism and mischief. …..She had private accounts at Luchow’s, Tony Pastor’s, "21", The Stork Club, The Russian Tea Room, The Rainbow Room, oh, all over..... Of course, she never paid her bills, but they kept seating her anyway…. And at the best tables!

She lived to the ripe old age of 22, although she lied about her age till the very end, claiming she was only 3 or 4. She might have lived longer, but she was killed in a motor car accident of her own making. Her friends had warned her not to drive herself, but she insisted, even though it was very difficult for her to see over the steering wheel of a Duesenberg, and a stolen one at that! She was laid to rest in a very expensive cigar thermidor of carved mahogany with her favorite lobster fork and a brass door knocker in the shape of a pineapple. Her many kitty friends delivered hours of eulogies in the alleyway behind Bergdorf’s …at the top of their lungs…. And the nice people at the Plaza Garden Court Café catered the luncheon… (Other diners were heard to complain about the yowling.)

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*Tour-ette from the Garment District... Oh, how NYC changes! NOT always for the best! 3/9/2024

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*Tour-ette from the subway station in Times Square, and some underground musical theatre! 3/9/2024

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*Tour-ette from the Times Square/Garment District in NYC for a work and weekend jaunt... 3/9/2024

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Breaking (and Broken!) News... from CNN... This just in!...

Indicted George Santos from NY's 3rd congressional district has increased his delusional claims even in the face of 13 criminal charges against him concerning a host of felonies totaling hundreds of years in prison should he be found guilty... the following claims are now added to his past ones;

1] He claims to be a 3000 lb. turnip capable of feeding hundreds of vegans should a famine hit the Trump owned golf club at Ferry Point in the Bronx, NY... Santos stated that Trump will be renaming Ferry Point to "Fairy Point" because, after all, Santos is gay... and a lesbian as well!

2] He claims that not only are his parents Jewish but they have been Jewish for millions of years, dating back to the Jurassic Period... He stated that his parents are so Jewish, that they will make themselves into huge portions of chicken soup to cure the world permanently of the common cold.

3] He claims that, as a baby, he was the first example of Artificial Intelligence. Sadly, his gears and pulleys were extremely uncomfortable for his mother to pass through her uterus and vagina "despite heavy lubrication with Quaker State Motor Oil"... and Hellmann's Mayonnaise. He has assured his congressional district that he will pick up all the expenses for his double AA batteries... from Energizer!... after all, he IS the model for the Energizer Bunny!

4] He claims that although he is not the second coming of the Messiah, he IS the second coming of a kosher baloney sandwich served at the Last Supper... right there in the painting to the left of the Apostles Paul... and Kim Kardashian. Hold the mustard!

5] He claims that he's a kitty, or possibly a monkey crossed with a kitty... and an egg... but an Easter Egg!!… or a Faberge Egg!…

6] He claims that he can grow kilim rugs on his body, and provide luxury interior design services to wealthy contributors to his campaign. If a client prefers sisal, he'll be happy to eat straw for a few weeks for special orders... please bring your own lawnmower...

7] He claims that he is an as-yet-undiscovered planet in our own solar system. When he finally is discovered, he DOES insist on being announced by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, or Galileo... even if one of them is dead.. or two... whatever. He also insists on being named "Big Round Boy"... or "Mr. Sparkly"... he will have a moon or two... made of cheese.

8] He claims that although he is gay, it is only on Tuesdays.. and he still likes women and... cement.

Stay tuned for more claims, verifiable or not. Details at 6. Electro-convulsive therapy at 11.

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Sybil Bruncheon’s “My Merry Memoirs”… Easter 1986.

The New York Native, a weekly paper published in New York City. And there I was as their Easter season model for gifts and treats!! .....(um, yes, I got carried away when they pulled out the chocolates! But they hadn't fed any of the crew lunch!!...... bastards!)

(Photos and article by William Cullum) (Sybil’s gown by Cliff Boone and Morrie Breyer of A.Q.U.A.)

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween!... October 29th, 2012… Lights OUT!!!

October 29th, 2012... After closing up our little place at the beach for the Winter, I had taken the last ferry out of Cherry Grove on Fire Island to Sayville, Long Island and rushed back to the NYC as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the Northeast. We lived on West 10th and Washington Street down in Greenwich Village with "a view of the world"!... all the way from the West 50s to the Chrysler and Empire State buildings, across to the Con Ed building on the far East side and down to Chinatown, Little Italy, and around to the World Trade Center and New Jersey... a view that you might have in a helicopter or if you were a billionaire! I had just gotten back to the city and stood at our windows watching as the storm got stronger and more turbulent with non-stop lightning and thunder... and then, suddenly there was a blue-purple flash of the Con Ed plant over on the East River... and the stunning, stunning march of blackness as it crushed each neighborhood, block by block, from the East River towards the Hudson. I stood there amazed to see the entire southern part of Manhattan go dark, from the Empire State building down to the financial district, a few buildings of which remained lit on their own emergency power generators. As the dark hit our block, we lit candles, and hurriedly filled pots, pans, and the bath tub with water!... water that quickly began to fail as the pressure slowly gave way.

In the following days, restaurants and stores began giving away their food and perishables. We were so lucky to have had our friend Barbara Grecki house us for the following week up on Central Park West and W. 66th Street. And although Halloween was completely canceled, I had actually packed my "Headless Fairy-Princess" costume for the occasion. Golly, that Central Park crowd gives fabulous candy!!... yes, they can be so stuck-up, but you can't argue with Teuscher champagne truffles in your plastic pumpkin, can you?? JEEEESH!

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*Tour-ette on a rainy Monday evening in Cherry Grove at the end of LGBTQ Pride Month. 6/27/2022

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Sybil Bruncheon's “My Merry Memoirs”… LGBTQ Pride Parades of the Past – 1987…

Here's Mummie walking down the entire route of the parade with her theatre pal Ron Coombs lending her moral support. My ride that year in a vintage convertible Mercedes had stood me up at the last minute right before the parade started (he had a hangover… or a date!), and there I was in my tiara by Larry Vrba and my coronation ball gown by Matthew Lombardi for NYC's first Night Of A Thousand Gowns. I’d been crowned the first Empress of NY by the Imperial Court System of America… Sybil the First - The Atlas Empress!... and the ball had been held in the newly renovated and restored Waldorf Astoria in their grand ballrooms… for the then unheard of sum of $250.00 a ticket! Can you imagine?

This was the old parade route too; starting at Central Park West at 70th Street, winding down to 59th, across to 5th Avenue, then straight all the way down to Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, across to Christopher Street, past the historic Stonewall Inn and Sheridan Square, and then all the way down to the festival on the Hudson River. Mummy's feet bled for two days… yep! BLED!… and I limped for a week!

“But the show MUST GO ON!”, right? (I WAS the first Empress of NY after all) ... ah, good times!… good times...

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Sybil Bruncheon’s “My Merry Memoirs”… LGBTQ Pride Parades of the Past – 1996…

Here we have the Sybil Bruncheon Repertory Company (including Bob Gutowski & Jay Boehm, Jeffrey Wallach, and Marty Santoro all seen here, along with Jay Rogers, Thomas Stoehr, Douglas Huston, and James Takos) did a tribute to the 200th anniversary of the French revolution and the beheading of Marie Antoinette called "Those Naughty, Naughty Queens!". We built a working tumbril, and the entire company dressed as Revolutionaries and Sans Culottes selling toy-guillotines and headless gingerbread men to the crowds! And guess who got to be the Queen being dragged to the scaffold! Type-casting, I guess you could say!... and here I tried so hard and so often to treat my staff and supporting cast with so much kindness, generosity, and understanding… oh well. (Who would have thought that 25 years later with Washington DC in so much turmoil, our little caprice would be so very pertinent!) Ah, good times!... good times!

(photo by Matthew Kiernan, Sybil’s gown by Gefil Tefish of the Hefty Highness Hideaway)

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