Sybil Bruncheon's "THANKSGIVING Headlines From Yesteryear!"...

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... Here is an actual photograph of the moment in the Macy's Parade when a gigantic creature broke free from its handlers and began eating the crowd. Despite the privations of the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression, Macy's succumbed to public pressure and replaced living beasts like this one with more reliable balloon facsimiles....although the element of excitement and potential danger was sorely missed by parade-purists... especially children who seemed to like the idea of seeing their fellow classmates torn to pieces by huge monstrous cartoon characters. The use of hydrogen DID create some possibilities for mishaps especially with cigar-smoking pixies and Santa’s elves lurking about in doorways and public restrooms, but within a few years, helium had eliminated that as well, and the parade slumped off to a forlorn ritual of honking brass bands, drunken and vomiting clowns, and prancing muffins... that might try to pinch your bottom…

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Thanksgivings Past"... sur-REAL.....

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It was never clear and certainly never explained why in 1933 with the Depression raging and tensions building in Europe that the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade committee turned the design of the floats and balloons over to Salvador Dali...All that could be determined later was that he should have been more closely supervised by the staff of the store...or at least by the in-house employee psychologist, if only to avoid possible scandals and lawsuits. But on Thursday morning, November 30th, when his unexplained "Fish With High Heels" sailed down the avenue and it was met by a shrieking crowd, nothing could be done. Nor was there much help that medical and police personnel could do for the dead and dying among the stampede victims. The toll might have remained at only a few hundred, but the hideous thing broke loose from its handlers and drifted North-North-East into Yonkers where it began its clumsy rampage of terror and destruction into Duchess county and on up into Connecticut before a squadron of biplanes shot it down and burned the hated thing in a bonfire in Hartford on the steps of the state capitol...

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THANKSGIVING PARADES Past!!... Bullwinkle the Moose was invited back into the parade line-up for the Macy's Annual Holiday Celebration. In an effort to rehabilitate the beloved creature, he was paroled from Cartoon Prison where he was to serve a 13-year sentence for impersonating a magician and attempting to saw Mr. Peabody in half... He was released on good behavior provided that he would continue to wear his prison stripes in all public appearances. Although still badly scarred from dog and squirrel bites (his left leg is notably shorter than his right!) he seems to be getting along just fine with his parole officers. All 43 of them are seen here escorting him down the avenue.

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