Sybil Bruncheon’s History On This Date – February 5th, 1936…

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Here HITLER is seen wearing the official Berlin Good Humor Man uniform and asking the nice ladies if they'd like to lick his "Poppen-Shtickle"...

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Sybil Bruncheon's "Winter Tales to Warm Your Heart"... Chapter 12, "Down On Downington Street"...

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... and so the local newsboys and pushcart peddlers took a short break on that February afternoon and had a midweek mulled cider with nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, and a spot-of-rum! And heated their cups over the garbage-can fire that they stoked with mean old Mr. and Mrs. Preenington who owned the coal mine. "Oh, my goodness!", little Jeffy cried gleefully! "They certainly do warm one's hands so, don't they?"...

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Sybil Bruncheon's Advice for Aquarians!

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Winter is such a dreadful time to have a birthday, isn't it? I know myself, and that's why we Aquarians have to stay busy... so maybe all of your friends should chip in for nice hobby classes for you... in ANYTHING YOU LIKE!! How about New Guinea Interpretive Dance - with Headhunters, or Oblong Vegetable Juggling, or Collecting Things That Start With a "Z", or Naked Haiku Writing?... just let yourself GO!!! I said GO!!!! Xoxoxo, Sybil!

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Sybil Bruncheon's "My Merry Memoirs"... Chapter 31, page 372... Cousin Patrice...

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Did I ever tell you about my lovely cousin Patrice de Laminoir? She was as beautiful as she was clever, and her radiant wit, grace, and ebullience assured her of admirers, both men and women, throughout her life, despite her unfortunate accident. You see, she lost her left leg in an unlucky kitchen catastrophe involving a runaway cake mixer and a nutmeg grater, and... oh, it's too horrible to recount here, but suffice it to say that even though she was as one-leggéd as any pirate in a boy scout adventure comic, she lived her life to the fullest. And she was determined not to let her missing leg nor the elaborately carved mahogany wooden one hold her back... as a matter of fact, she tossed her prosthesis, and had all of her right shoes fitted with a small caster that swiveled 360° around. On any escort's arm, her mother claimed "she was as mobile as a marble"... but with even more sparkle! And later, speaking of marbles, she actually invented the first "Shepherd Caster"... but was so distracted by her fabulous life that she never got around to getting the patent!

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Breaking News from the CNN News Desk... Santa's Reindeer on "Summer Vacation"...

Santa's reindeer were spotted in Sarasota, Florida at their Winter retreat, resting up and strategizing for their next Holiday season. Seen from left are Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen... and some understudies, including Pokey, Horndogg, Muffin, Mr. Nancy, Poofter, Old Clem, and Oomph! (Rudolph's contract is still in heated negotiations and he may be traded to a different team this year.) Stay tuned. Film at 6. Tiny hoof-prints in the sand at 11.

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Sybil Bruncheon's "GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!"... February 2nd, 1918...

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Sybil Bruncheon’s GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!.... On this date, February 2nd, 1918, Vaslav Nijinsky staged his new ballet, “MY PICNIC IS INVISIBLE!”. As the curtain rose he spent the first 20 minutes “finding the perfect spot”, removing twigs, and miming the tablecloth. The first act ended with serving invisible potato salad and bologna sandwiches. Interestingly, he spent the second act slapping away at actual ants which a mischievous stagehand had hidden in his tights.

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Sybil Bruncheon's Tales From Other Worlds... or... Are They?...

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"Pathetic Earth creatures! We have come a great distance from another world. Our own planet was not enough for our delights. We have eaten our pets, burned our forests, gouged our mountains, and soiled our oceans. It was great fun, but now we want to do the same to yours. Offer us your abundant plenty, and we will allow you to protect one of your puny offspring from our kitchens during our feast time. One youngling only! In honor of our own beloved Spawn, who we hatched from his larva-sack and crowned as our pupa-prince. Note his oh-so-delicate fore-pincers; small and very sophisticated, and how he waves them about when he harangues his hive-ettes. Worship him and obey his whims lest you incur his righteous wrath. Build huge hive-walls to protect him from brown-things... and tremble in awe of his mighty cranium-pod covered in orange bug-silk! Bzzzzzzzz!!!!!!"

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Sybil Bruncheon's "GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!"... January 30th, 1918...

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Sybil Bruncheon’s GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!.... On this date, January 30th, 1918, Vaslav Nijinsky staged his new ballet “NOT NOW! I’M A LADY”. He claimed he had gotten his inspiration after helping his mother with the laundry and trying on all of her clothes fresh out of the dryer. Interestingly, they could both wear the same size in just about everything! Even her… um… “dainties”… if he… uh, arranged himself properly!

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Sybil Bruncheon presents "My Favorite Lines In My Favorite Films"...

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“Frightened? You are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe! - I was petrified.”

Frank Morgan as the Wizard in THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939).

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Sybil Bruncheon's "GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!".... January 27th, 1918....

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Sybil Bruncheon’s GREAT MOMENTS IN THE ARTS!!.... On this date, January 27th, 1918, Vaslav Nijinsky, after being hospitalized for repeated attacks of bulimia, premiered his delightful new ballet “TOSS ME, I’M A SALAD!”. Other characters in the corps de ballet included Vinnie Grette, Aunt Chovie, Caesar Dressing, and Kiki the Koo Koo Krouton. Sadly, the critics were savage; the New York Times described the whole production as “wilted”… and “brown in spots”… Nijinsky promptly ate two chocolate cakes off the catering table at the opening night party, and then vomited for three hours.

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