Sybil Bruncheon's "WHO'Z DAT?"... Hollywood Birthdays in NOVEMBER!... The MEN!

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Answers below!

(Clockwise from top center: Ricardo Montalbán, Burt Lancaster, Dean Jagger, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Robert Vaughn, Richard Burton, Claude Rains, Charles Bronson, Rock Hudson, and Richard Crenna)

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Sybil Bruncheon's "People In Poetry"... page 91. ... "Dear Little Nancy on Voting Day!"...


Dear Little Nancy liked to skip and play.

Did she keep her Promises? No one could say.

Nancy said she’d register to VOTE and do her Duty.

But Mondays she always devoted to her day of Beauty.

Tuesdays are for visiting and chatting over Lunch!

Wednesdays are for Shopping and a large Rum Punch!

And don’t you know that Thursday’s a fine day to rest?

And then it’s time for Friday! Please don’t be a Pest!

Here it is the Weekend, and Friends have come to Town.

Time to have a Picnic and wear a Gingham Gown.

Day by Day and Week by Week, her Duty she’d forgotten.

And Folks began to gossip now, her Reputation rotten.

The months slid by, from Spring to Fall, her Duty ne’er remembered.

And finally it was Voting Day, the first Tuesday in November.

Dear Nancy came to the Polling Place, but was promptly turned away.

The nice Ladies there said, “Your name’s not here! You clearly mayn’t stay!”

But Nancy fussed and stamped her Feet and loudly made a Row!

“I care not what y’ say to me! I’ve come to VOTE right now!”

A nice Policeman passing by did seize her by her hair,

and swung her high around his Head and threw her through the Air.

She came down KOOOSH! upon the ground, some 20 feet or so.

An hour later she awoke, quite cross, and moaning low.

A kindly Lady passing by asked her what was wrong.

And Nancy told her Tale of woe, which really was much too long.

The Lady smiled and helped her up and invited her to tea.

“The polls are closed. You did not VOTE. You come along with me.”

They walked eleven miles or so, and down a Country lane,

And into woods so dark and deep. Then it began to rain.

Dear Nancy said that she was tired and longed to have a Rest.

The kindly Lady pointed to her Cottage on the Crest.

They tumbled in out of the rain to get so warm and cozy.

The House was sweet, and very clean and smelled of Spice and Posy.

“Now let me put a Kettle on, and you play with both my kitties.

Their names are Biff and Lancelot! Come along my little pretties!”

Nancy reached out to pet the Pair, but Biff gave her some Nips.

She pulled her bleeding Hand away, and Lancelot licked his lips.

She tried again to be a Friend and promptly got some Scratches.

The Lady then walked in the room and brought a box of Matches.

“I said before you did not VOTE! You did not pick a winner!

You did not do your Duty dear, and now you’ll be our Dinner!”.

The Lady lunged at Nancy then and gave her quite a Fright!

She grabbed her hem, and lit a match and set her dress alight.

Dear Nancy jumped and yowled so! Imagine her dismay.

It crossed her mind, “It’s Tuesday though! It’s Lunch and Visit day!”.

The flames leaped higher, higher then and burned her to a crisp

With little hissing “essing” sounds, (Nance always had a lisp!)

The Lady stuffed her full of peas, some carrots and a shallot.

Poor Nancy might have saved herself if she’d only cast a ballot.

She ended up inside their tummies, don’t think me too uncouth.

Just think how nice it might have been inside a Voting Booth.

Well that’s our tale of Nancy, dear. And Darlings, Please take note!

When Mummie says she loves you so, GO REGISTER AND VOTE!

(from and

Sybil's 31 Days Of Halloween...

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"Is it Spring Forward, Fall Backward?... because that's what I did when the nice policeman pulled me over and told me to get off my broom... and asked me to blow up his funny little balloon!"...

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween Horror & Hilarity!… The Ninth Circle...

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Friends! There's so much prejudice against all sorts of preconceived notions...and one of the oldest and most entrenched is that Satan is a bad person, and that Hell might be an undesirable place... But in fact, did you know that in the Ninth Circle there is a cheerful tradition on every Tuesday where Satan himself plays their karaoke night for local talent? Yes! Always encouraging young people who need a break in the business, the Dark Prince is often on the lookout for "that special someone"!! Here we have Mrs. Florinda Gunn of Patootie Corners, Iowa during her debut solo "Melancholy Baby" with the Big Mr. S. on the ivories... Afterwards, Mrs. Gunn said she was nervous at first, especially with Satan at the piano ...and with so many of the audience holding pitchforks and red hot pincers. She also said she'd never worn such a revealing cocktail dress before, and in an animal print too!...certainly not at the ice cream sociables where she had that fling with Reverend Mooney behind the church... back when she was, um... well, still alive...

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween!… BEHAVE!!...

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The children were the best-behaved children in town... maybe in the entire WORLD! They knew that if they were bad, they would be sent up those stairs... and into the attic!... that's where Mommy and Daddy sent Grandma when she burnt the cherry pie... twelve years ago...

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween Horror & Hilarity!: "Hammer time"...

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.... DRACULA, PRINCE OF DARKNESS (1966)..... Jeeesh! I have such a love/hate relationship with the Hammer horror films... I've decided in my old age to surrender to it all as "an acquired taste". As with opera, mime, and kabuki, one has to suspend one's disbelief. I happen to love all of those various art forms, and they are all fanciful versions, shall we say, of “reality”. Once I decide to embrace Hammer's particular take on the vampire/werewolf/Frankenstein myths with their florid music, acting, writing, and that nearly florescent color process, I kind of enjoy them....sort of like the soap opera "One Life To Live", but set in Wallachia... with garlic and holy water… Okay. I've got my popcorn. Tell me the story!

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 Days of Halloween: The very bad witch!...


Once upon a time, there was a very bad witch! Well... VERY bad!... bad, yes! But interestingly, all she wanted was to be loved! YES! LOVED!!.. (can you imagine?)

Sadly, she did bad things... fairly often. And she didn't seem to be able to control it. As a matter of fact, most of the people who ever met her... most of the people in the entire kingdom thought she was the most rotten person they'd ever met; the most rotten person they had ever learned about in history class, or heard about in fairy tales, or even read about in... um... cookbooks, or nudey magazines, or boy scout guides...

And what made it all worse was that her bad deeds got more and more intensely bad. She said more and more vile things, and DID them too. And made friends with other bad people... and encouraged them to do worse and worse things. And she never had to pay for any of the bad things she said or did... and sometimes she'd even try to help her bad friends to get out of trouble, although not always. Sometimes she got people into trouble and was their friend on a Monday, but by Wednesday, she pretended she didn't even know them.

Anyway, the bad-very-bad witch kept casting her spells over the people of her kingdom, some of whom were too stupid to know what was happening to them, or even seem to care. And life went on like this for a while. There was no handsome prince, no knight on horseback, no seven little dwarves, no good witch, or kindly wizard, no unicorn, or magic slipper, or magic spell, or magic potion!... not even a bucket of water.... NOTHING! Nothing to stop the bad witch once and for all.

The only good thing in all this mess, was that the rottenness, the spite, and malice, the selfishness, and the badness finally, finally began to show. You see, boys and girls, "The eyes are the windows to the soul"... ask your kindly grandma or funny Uncle Buck and his boyfriend what that means. They'll tell you... And because the bad things began to show in the eyes of the bad witch and her friends, they were easy to spot walking down the street, or passing you in the store, or smiling at you in the PTA meeting. And because you could see who they were by what they had become... you could make sure that YOU didn't become one of them. And some people lived happily ever after. The End... (for now...)

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Sybil Bruncheon's 31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN: The Harleybones...


The Harleybone sisters, Grace and Bryzella, ages 13 and 29, were known for their kindness to stray animals and elderly persons during the majority of the year. Later, they were discovered to have had a peculiar and finally deadly hobby on October 31st of every year. Police and Scotland Yard determined that their charitable "Hungry In The Fall" benefits and costume balls were provisioned by the sisters cooking all of the banquet delicacies and serving them at the Halloween events, attended by dignitaries and government officials. To everyone's horror, the entire banquet was made up of victims of the sisters' murderous crimes... although the stray animals and elderly persons seemed to really enjoy whatever they were eating!

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Breaking News from the CNN News Desk: Clowning around...


Hollywood releases plans for another remake of Stephen King's IT and holds open calls for the role of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Thwarting his cabinet's advice, the president declared that, as an actor, he had "great and unmatched wisdom" for auditioning. "After all, look how I played myself on The Apprentice... or the Sorcerer's Apprentice... or... whatever!".

Greeted by hooting, pointing, and raucous laughter, mostly by interns and cleaning staff, the president was turned away from the casting office as soon as he walked in, but he was offered a dinner theater tour of BLOW ME A POODLE-BALLOON, the musical biography of Twinkle the Birthday Clown who died in a fiery clown-car crash with 47 co-workers. The catastrophe nearly wiped out the entire children's birthday-party industry in the 1950s. The whole score is played on a calliope... and an assortment of trained-seal horns. Details at 6. Cream pies at 11.

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Sybil Bruncheon’s “Helpful Hints for a Healthy Household”… Pests...


Sybil, how do I keep fungi, molds, and hideous infections, blights, and pests from ruining my garden?

Two ways:

a) Watch for and cure problems as early as possible without procrastinating. Use organic means to kill diseases, preferably with non-poisonous side-effects, and try to let natural allies like ladybugs, dragonflies, bats, etc. keep your unwanted invaders in check.

b) VOTE.

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